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Objects and Fields
Object Manager
Record Types

Manual Case Creation (Master Record Type)


User Story
As a Salesforce User
I want to be able to manaully create new cases
So that I can track and manage customer issues
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am on the Case list view
When I click the 'New' Case button
Then I can input details and create a new case 


Case Page Layout

Standard Case Page Layout

Case Lightning Record Page

Standard Case Lightning Record Page and potential dynamic forms

Case Fields

Case data model and fields values



  1. step 1...
  2. step 2...

Expected Results

  1. expected reuslt 1...
  2. expected reuslt 2...

When creating record types for any object you will inveitable need to decide how many page layouts and lightning record pages you will need. The following flowchart can help guide to the easiest solution for your use case.

Here is list of logic I used to influence the flowchart:

  • Keep it simple, less is more
  • Extra page layouts aren’t necessary if the only difference is in the record type picklist values, not the fields shown in the details section.
  • Prefer using Page Layouts to minimise the number of Lightning Record Pages, as it’s simpler to maintain multiple page layouts than multiple Lightning Record Pages.
  • If multiple Lightning Record Pages are required, consider using Dynamic Forms to reduce the number of standard page layouts needed.
    • It’s preferable to maintain either multiple page layouts or multiple Lightning Record Pages, but not both, as managing both can be cumbersome and confusing.