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Process Automation
Opportunity Common Flows

Opportunity Common Flows

Opportunity: Format Name


User Story
As a Salesforce User
I want the Opportunity Name to be automatically formatted
So that the Opportunity Name is consistent and easy to read
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am on an Opportunity record page
When I create a new or edit an existing Opportunity
Then the Opportunity Name is automatically formatted



Flow Label: Opportunity: Format Name
Description: Automatically formats the Opportunity Name using the Account Name, Record Type, and Close Date

Type: Record Triggered Flow
Trigger: A record is created or updated
Object: Opportunity
Conditions: None
Optimize the Flow for: Fast Field Updates

Resource Type: Formula
API Name: Formatted_Opportunity_Name
Description: Formats the Opportunity Name for using the Account Name, Record Type and Close Date, for example: 'Globex Inc | Merchant | 31-5-2024'
** Data Type:** Text

{!$Record.Account.Name} & " | " & {!$Record.RecordType.Name} & " | "  & TEXT(DAY({!$Record.CloseDate})) & "-" &
TEXT(MONTH({!$Record.CloseDate})) & "-" & TEXT(YEAR({!$Record.CloseDate}))

Element: Update Records
How to Find Records to Update and Set Their Values: Use the opportunity record that triggered the flow
Label: Update Opportunity Name
Set Filter Conditions: None

Field Values:

  • Name = {!Formatted_Opportunity_Name}

Field Updates

  • Update the Opportunity Name field help text to 'Automatically formatted when the Opportunity is saved'



  1. Create a new Opportunity or edit an existing Opportunity
  2. Save the Opportunity
  3. Check the Opportunity Name field

Expected Results

  1. The Opportunity Name is automatically formatted using the Account Name, Record Type, and Close Date
  2. The Opportunity Name is consistent and easy to read
  3. The Opportunity Name is displayed in the format 'Account Name | Record Type | dd/mm/yyyy'