Unqualified Lead
User Story
As a Salesforce User
I want to have an easy way to mark a Lead as lost
So that I can track the lost Leads and related information
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am on a Lead record page
When I click the Lost button
Then the Lead status is updated to Lost and I can see the Lost Reason fields
This task assumes the lead has the satatus field with the value Unqualified
Unqualified Fields
- Create a new field on the Lead object
- Data Type: Picklist
- Label: Unqualified Reason
- Name: Unqualified_Reason
- Values: Not Interested, No Budget, No Authority, No Need, Other
- Create a new field on the Lead object
- Data Type: Text Area (Short option)
- Label: Unqualified Comments
- Name: Unqualified_Comments
- Help Text: Comments to explain unqualified reason. Mandatory if unqualified reason equals 'Other'
Validation Rule
- Create a new Validation Rule on the Lead object
- Rule Name: Unqualified Reason
- Error Condition Formula:
AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, 'Unqualified'), ISBLANK(TEXT(Unqualified_Reason)))
- Error Message: Unqualified Reason is mandatory if status equals 'Unqualified'
- Create a new Validation Rule on the Lead object
- Rule Name: Unqualified Comments
- Error Condition Formula:
AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, 'Unqualified'), ISPICKVAL(Unqualified_Reason, 'Other'), ISBLANK(Unqualified_Comments))
- Error Message: Unqualified Comments are mandatory if unqualified reason equals 'Other'
Object Name: Lead
Action Type: Update a Record
Label: Unqualify
Name: Unqualify_Lead
Description: Mark the Lead as Unqualified and record the reason
- Unqualified Reason (Mandatory)
- Unqualified Comments (Optional)
- Open a Lead record
Expected Results
- At the top of the page, you can see the Highlights Panel and Path
- On the left side of the page, you can see the Details, Notes & Files, and History tabs
- On the right side of the page, you can see the Potential Duplicates, Activity, and Chatter tabs