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Objects and Fields
Object Manager


Unqualified Lead


User Story
As a Salesforce User
I want to have an easy way to mark a Lead as lost
So that I can track the lost Leads and related information
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am on a Lead record page
When I click the Lost button
Then the Lead status is updated to Lost and I can see the Lost Reason fields



This task assumes the lead has the satatus field with the value Unqualified

Unqualified Fields

  1. Create a new field on the Lead object
    • Data Type: Picklist
    • Label: Unqualified Reason
    • Name: Unqualified_Reason
    • Values: Not Interested, No Budget, No Authority, No Need, Other
  2. Create a new field on the Lead object
    • Data Type: Text Area (Short option)
    • Label: Unqualified Comments
    • Name: Unqualified_Comments
    • Help Text: Comments to explain unqualified reason. Mandatory if unqualified reason equals 'Other'

Validation Rule

  1. Create a new Validation Rule on the Lead object
    • Rule Name: Unqualified Reason
    • Error Condition Formula: AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, 'Unqualified'), ISBLANK(TEXT(Unqualified_Reason)))
    • Error Message: Unqualified Reason is mandatory if status equals 'Unqualified'
  2. Create a new Validation Rule on the Lead object
    • Rule Name: Unqualified Comments
    • Error Condition Formula: AND(ISPICKVAL(Status, 'Unqualified'), ISPICKVAL(Unqualified_Reason, 'Other'), ISBLANK(Unqualified_Comments))
    • Error Message: Unqualified Comments are mandatory if unqualified reason equals 'Other'


Object Name: Lead
Action Type: Update a Record
Label: Unqualify
Name: Unqualify_Lead
Description: Mark the Lead as Unqualified and record the reason


  • Unqualified Reason (Mandatory)
  • Unqualified Comments (Optional)



  1. Open a Lead record

Expected Results

  1. At the top of the page, you can see the Highlights Panel and Path
  2. On the left side of the page, you can see the Details, Notes & Files, and History tabs
  3. On the right side of the page, you can see the Potential Duplicates, Activity, and Chatter tabs