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Feature Settings

Case Managment

Send Email From A Case Feed


User Story
As a Salesforce User
I want to send an email from a Case Feed from a shared email address 
So that I can respond to customer inquiries from a shared email address and see there responses in the Case Feed
Acceptance Criteria
Given I click on the Send Email button in the Case Feed
When the shared email address is selected
Then I can send an email from the shared email address

External Inputs

Email Addresses for sending emails from Salesforce to customers/clients

Summary: To send emails from a case feed and have the responses recorded and visible on the case in Salesforce a shared/common email address is required. Only one is required but multiple can be added.

Example email addresses:


Enable email-to-case and add send email button to the Case Feed

  1. Update Email-to-Case settings as below

    Setup > Feature Settings > Service > Email-to-Case

    Enable Email-to-Case: True
    Notify Case Owners: True
    Enable HTML Email: True
    Set case source to email: False
    Save Email-to-Case attachments as Salesforce files: True
    Invoke triggers on status change from New to Read: False
    Reply with new content only: False

    Send emails via external services: False
    Send emails via external services: False
    Insert thread ID in the email body: True
    Place user signatures before email threads: True

  2. Add Send Email button to the Case Feed

    Setup > Object Manager > Case > Page Layouts

    The Case.SendEmail Button is only avalable after the Email-to-Case is enabled. The label is 'Email' and the Name is 'Case.SendEmail', there is a similar quick action with the same label but a differnet name 'SendEmail'.

    Add the Send Email button to the Case Feed Layout

  3. Add Organization-Wide Email Addresses to be set as default

    Setup > Email > Organization-Wide Addresses > Add

    Create a new Organization-Wide Email Address to be used as ddefault such as:

    Default Organization-Wide Email Addresses: **

  4. Add default from address to quick action

    Setup > Object Manager > Case > Buttons, Links, and Actions

    Click on the 'SendEmail' quick action and add a new predefiend field value
    Field Name: From
    Specific Value: select email setup in tyhe previous step


    There are two simialr specific values, ensure you selct the 'From' value and not the 'From Address'



  1. Open a Case record
  2. Add a contact to the Case that has your email address
  3. Click on the Send Email button in the Case Feed
  4. The shared email address should be selected by default
  5. Eneter a subject and message
  6. Click Send

Expected Results

  1. expected reuslt 1...
  2. expected reuslt 2...


Manual Creation
As a Salesforce End User
I want to create Salesforce Cases manually
So that Phone calls can be recorded as Cases