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Sharing Settings

Sharing Settings

Organization-Wide Defaults (Open Sales)


User Story
As a Salesforce End User
I want to be able to view/create/edit Lead, Contact, Account and Opportunity records
So that I can work on all records in the system
Note: The system will have a liberal policy where all users can see and edit all records.
Acceptance Criteria
Given an active user wants to manage the records for the ones that user does not own
When a role has been assigned to user/ sharing settings are configured
Then users will be able to manage each other's records based on the permissions granted to them via profiles as well as the role hierarchy within the system


Navigate to Setup> Security> Sharing Settings

ObjectDefault Internal AccessDefault External AccessGrant Access Using Hierarchies
LeadPublic Read/Write/TransferPrivateTrue
ContactControlled by ParentPrivateTrue
AccountPublic Read/WritePrivateTrue
OpportunityPublic Read/WritePrivateTrue



  1. Step 1 example
  2. Step 2 example

Expected Results:

  1. Expected result example

Sharing Rules

Sharing Rule - Based on record owner

Label: Object Sharing Rule
Rule Name: default
Description: Object Sharing Rule

Rule Type: Based on Record Owner
Owned by members of: Publix Group x | Role y | Role and Subordinates z

Share with: Public Group x | Role y | Role and Subordinates z

Access Level: Read Only | Read/Write

Sharing Rule - Based on criteria

Label: Object Sharing Rule
Rule Name: default
Description: Object Sharing Rule

Rule Type: Based on criteria

    • Field: field x | record type y | etc.
    • Operator: Equals
    • Value: 'a'
    • Field: field y
    • Operator: Equals
    • Value: 'b'

Filter Logic: none/default | 1 OR 2 | etc.

Share with: Public Group x | Role y | Role and Subordinates z

Access Level: Read Only | Read/Write

Account Sharing Rule - Based on criteria


Account sharing rules have the special ability to control the access of child objects such as Contacts, Opportunities, and Cases. 'Contact Access' will is not configurable if set as 'Controlled by Parent'

Label: Account Sharing Rule
Rule Name: default
Description: Account Sharing Rule

Rule Type: Based on criteria

    • Field: field x | record type y | etc.
    • Operator: Equals
    • Value: 'a'

Filter Logic: none/default | 1 OR 2 | etc.

Share with: Public Group x | Role y | Role and Subordinates z

Default Account and Contract Access: Read Only | Read/Write
Contact Access: Private | Read Only | Read/Write
Opportunity Access: Private | Read Only | Read/Write
Case Access: Private | Read Only | Read/Write


Navigate to Setup> Security> Sharing Settings

ObjectDefault Internal AccessDefault External AccessGrant Access Using Hierarchies
LeadPublic Read OnlyPrivateTrue
ContactPublic Read OnlyPrivateTrue
AccountPublic Read OnlyPrivateTrue
OpportunityPublic Read OnlyPrivateTrue