Advanced Seller Home
Enable Advanced Seller Home
As a Salesforce User,
I want to have a summary of my Sales activity with 'Advanced Seller Home'
So that I can have a quick view of my Sales interacrtions and take necessary actions
Acceptance Criteria
Given that I am a Salesforce User
When I navigate to the 'Advanced Seller Home' page
Then I should see a summary of my Sales activity
Setup > Feature Settings > Home
- Activate Advanced Seller Home
- Open the {sales-app-name} \
- Navigate to the Home Page
Expected Results
- You can see the Advanced Seller Home page
- You can see a summary of your Sales activity
- You can see the following components:
- Close Deals
- Plan My Accounts
- Grow Relationships
- Build Pipeline
- My Goals
- Today's Events
- Today's Tasks
- Recent Records