Account and Opportunity Teams
Account Teams
User Story
As a Salesforce User
I want to have the ability record the team roles on an Account
So that it's clear who is working on the Account and what their roles are
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am on an Account record page
When I add team members to the Account Team related list
Then I can assign team roles to each member
Enable Account Teams:
- Navigate to Setup / Feature Settings / Sales / Account / Account Teams
- Enable Account Teams
Add the Account Team related list to the Account page layout:
Create a tab called
Account Team
and add it to main tab section -
Add the Account Team related list to the tab 1 Add the following team roles in setup:
- Custom Role Exampel 1
- Custom Role Exampel 2
Note the default team roles are:
- Account Manager
- Channel Manager
- Executive Sponsor
- Lead Qualifier
- Pre-Sales Consultant
- Sales Manager
- Sales Rep
Expected Results