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Company Settings
My Domain

My Domain

Custom Domain URL


User Story
As a Salesforce Administrator
I want to have a custom URL when accesing Salesforce
So that I can provide a unqiue link for the company employees to access Salesforce
Acceptance Criteria
Given I want to have a branded org URL
When the users navigate to Salesforce
Then they can see a custom URL with the the company name in the domain


Ensure this is setup in Production.

Navigate to Setup> My Domain> My Domain Settings> My Domain Details and update My Domain Name to 'globex-example'



  1. Open the url 'https://globex.my.salesforce.com (opens in a new tab)'
  2. Verify that the url is 'https://globex.my.salesforce.com (opens in a new tab)'

Expected Results:

  1. URL is custom for the company
  2. The page loads without any errors